Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mon Dieu!

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death

Just the other day I decided to take the scenic route home in the evening. Rather than zipping home on the highway, I meandered along the back country roads, mooed at some cows, and generally enjoyed the breeze and the sway of the trees. The journey was lovely and relaxing but for one blemish--the endless stream of churches. There are loads of them along the way, but one church message board particularly caught my eye; it mentioned the usual schedule for Sunday service, but added this vapid pearl of pseudo-wisdom, "BOWED KNEES SAVE FAMILIES". Firstly, it is difficult to take anything seriously that has been written to rhyme. Secondly: Huh? Are they really trying to say that the way to help mankind--to save the world--to ease suffering is to talk to their invisible mutual friend? It's such a ridiculously trite sentiment that I can't understand how anyone could express it without being nauseated. This particular church is essentially saying, "Don't worry about volunteering or service work. Just pray to G-d to make it all better. Think happy thoughts and your work is done here". It is absolutely appalling for anyone who sees a point to the conservation of humanity to say that they're just going to sit on their asses and hope things get better. They're going to to feel self-righteous for having wished for sunshine and daisies? That's their strategy?

On a more lighthearted note:


Coyte said...

"Who's closer to God now bitch?"

Thehe, that was fabulous.

I read the sign in a slightly different way. I was thinking of it as referring to one's own family so if you pray your kid will all of a sudden listen to you and your marriage will work our great! Perhaps I'm giving them too much credit though...

It is a shame that we have so many churches in there here parts. What is perhaps and even greater shame is the sheer lack of imagination the local religious folks have in regards to their building design. If you're going to have a place of worship, at least make it aesthetically pleasing to the rest of us.

Synagogue in Prague:
Shah Alam Mosque:
RLDS building in Missouri:

Marion said...

WOW your last comment was my 19th birthday :D