Saturday, July 5, 2008


I love robots.  I can't help it.  But really, who doesn't?  They permeate our culture-- we read books about robots, write songs about robots, draw robots, make movies about robots, and build real robots.  We're fascinated by these creations that are so like us, but so unlike us.  Although they tend to fall into a farcical troupe of pirates, ninja, samurai etc, I would contend that there's something more serious at work here.  Robots are an avenue for us to discuss what humanity means.  Stay with me-- all the drama that we write regarding robots centers on the distillation of what we think makes us different from other animals and from our beloved computers.  We exist at a strange intersection between the primal and the logical, and we seek out a third source that pulls it all together.  We're looking for the 'soul'-- that strange and ethereal concept that theologians and laymen alike are so fond of bringing up.  It is a magical essence that has no physical indication of presence, and we are adamant that it must exist, or else... how are we special?  We MUST be special! 
H'anyway...  although I'm certainly willing to believe that there's more to the universe than modern science can detect or quantify, I'm NOT willing to buy into this tripe about spirits and souls.  In other words: Awa' an' bile yer heid religion!

O.K.  I'll admit: that's really not where I thought this was going.  


I've made a video about the day when robots take the earth back from us.  I was looking at my robot playlist (yes.  I have a robot playlist), when I thought, "Y'know what would be fantastic?  Yes, self, I do know.  How about a robot video?!"  It's to the tune of Yoshimi Battles the PInk Robots (part 1).  I'll post it soon!

Robot Playlist:
  • Fight Test -- The Flaming Lips
  • One More Robot/Sympathy 3000-21 -- The Flaming Lips
  • Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (part 1) -- The Flaming Lips
  • Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (part 2) -- The Flaming Lips
  • Robots -- Flight of the Conchords
  • The Robots -- Kraftwerk
  • Mr. Roboto -- Styx


Coyte said...

Robots are pretty fantastic. I think you should add this song to your list:

I believe I may have shown this to you before...

Jessie said...

Yep! It's actually on the list-- just under the name 'Robots'.