Friday, June 22, 2007

At the Movies

Recently, while at the movies with friends, we made the traditional post-movie pit stop as a herd. As we squeezed into the restroom with all the little old ladies, who had come to see Ocean's Thirteen, I saw it. There were glow sticks for sale in the tampon dispenser. Yes. Glow sticks. Could there be a more unfit thing to sell in the restroom?-- aside from, perhaps, kittens. On first thought they seem very ill-suited for the slot, but there are similarities:

  • the size and shape is nearly identical
  • dogs and small children should be discouraged from chewing on them
  • they change color with use
  • they're fabulous for 3D mixed-media work

Ultimately, I had to see one. I had to own one. A Women's Room Glow Stick.

I rummaged about for the quarters, put my change in the machine, and turned the lever. Out came a small white box not unlike a pack of cigarettes. There were three tiny glow sticks inside. They weren't even at a size where the logical progression from tampon to glow stick could be imagined. They were a complete non sequitur really. I can only guess what the stock folks were thinking.

"You know what would make the movie going experience even better?"
"Teenagers with glow sticks."
"I know just the place."

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