Wednesday, November 30, 2005

So a Girl Walks into a Post Office

On October 12 2005, the day of the PSAT, I had been discussing the USPS with Meredith on our way out of school. Just as I made a statement, a post truck went by. My mother and I went to Cameron Village to check out the shops. We stayed for a while. When we returned to our car, there was a postal truck parked next to us. As we left the shopping center, we pulled out onto the main street. Some of the parking is parallel to the road. There was yet another postal truck parked in such a way as it had perfect view of the road.

One day, I was sitting in the front room, when the mail truck came by to “deliver our mail” and I looked out at the fellow at the wheel. He had a general shifty appearance, and furtively shoved mail in the box. After doing so, he made direct eye contact with me.

The post office already sees all of our written (hard copy) communication and knows with whom we correspond. It also has an excuse to send operatives to each and every American household, everyday aside from Sundays. This is merely to give us the illusion of them being normal people. They can easily keep an eye on everyone without raising suspicion. One can find a conspiracy theory about almost anything. The USPS is a natural thing to jump to. There isn’t a single thing listed on the internet. Why? They are suppressing the facts! The reason we can find theories about other things it that they aren’t deemed worthy of suppression and merely make the public contempt all conspiracy theories. They actually help the postal service’s true purpose remain hidden and unsuspected.

Here are several things I noticed on their website:

-“We deliver more than mail-we deliver community service.” --like every plot every, they claim to be helping society and making it better. They admit that they do more than deliver mail. They meddle.

-“The Postal Service works with the community to have an active voice on facility matters regarding relocation, expansion, or a new Postal facility.” --They think about expansion? They want to expand? Is this not reason for worry?

-“We’re nothing but convenient.” --Convenience eh? Well doesn’t slipping into doing the easy thing usually turn out badly? As a general rule that is the road to apathy and lack of original thought. Think about it.

-“Learn how to identify and respond to threats in the mail center – a major gateway into any business or government agency.” --GOVERNMENT AGENCY!!! Hello!! Yes!

-“Find out what you need to know about aviation mail security and hazardous materials.” --Now they’re trying to alarm you. Spreading panic among the people is the best way to manipulate them. Give them a fear of terrorist threats and they become mindless patriots. This has happened repeatedly throughout history. For example, we have the Red Scare, we have the post-9/11 scare, anthrax and the danger codes on the Fox news network. In 1984 (the book) people are so brainwashed that even their own children will ‘inform’ on them. The slightest thing is reported. In my neighborhood, a person received an unmarked Halloween letter that they reported to the police because they thought it was anthrax. This is not merely human stupidity. It was triggered by this shameless fear-mongering!

-Their PCC or Postal Customer Council has all the warning signs. They have an ‘education’ system, ‘operations’ and ‘recognition’. So… re-educate the people, put them on special ops and then when they do well for the organization they are internally recognized for it. Sound like any, oh say, communistic creepiness for example?

-They have a ‘Rapid Information Bulletin Board System’. Need I say more?

- M. Intelligent Mail

In 2003 the Intelligent Mail and Address Quality (IMAQ) organization was established to focus efforts in moving the enterprise toward an Intelligent Mail system. This system envisions collecting information about mail that will allow the Postal Service to leverage the information to influence mail processing and delivery and allow customers to leverage the information to better serve their business needs. *Two of their ideals are to have “end-to-end visibility into the mailstream” and to have “an information rich code on mail”. This should be setting off alarm bells. They want intelligent mail collecting information and being tracked!

-“deploy business applications that respond to emerging customer and internal needs.” -- Aren’t ‘deploy’ and ‘respond’ sort of military type terms?

-“ Data Communications and Storage Infrastructure” --okay. Why are they communicating and storing data about customers (customers=us)? Shouldn’t they merely be delivering mail?

-There’s about 74 pages of this stuff. Need I go further? You can view the “Postal Operations” and much much more at :

Are you scared? I’m scared.

The USPS is an extension of a secret government agency engaged in suppressing and manipulating the people!!!!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

"The Man"

I went to the gigantic Wake County book sale. The Wake County Library system has a weekend each year where they get rid of the old books that are tattered and messed up or they have too many copies. They sell them for really cheap depending on which day you go. The day I went paperbacks were 50cents and hardcovers were $1. I got about 42 books (great number eh?) My bookshelf is now overflowing with gorgeous musty old books. I love getting old books, they have history. New books don't have the right smell and the right feel. With old ones you feel like you're holding a piece of the past and when you read them they hold more meaning. I don't as a general rule like getting new books unless I can really break them in. (not that I abuse my books or anything)

Turkey day was just as bad I thought it would be. After my grandfather hugged me, the first thing he asked was: Do you want to see the bird? My response: Uh... not particularly....mmm dead animal.
Then I had to eat at the same table as Uncle Doug. This was pretty much torture. He spent the entire time asking me questions about Marilyn Manson, self mutilation, "Are you still doing that 'goth' thing?", piercings, tattoos, weed, cigarettes, boys in eyeliner and intentional asphyxiation. Oh Rapture. Oh Joy. Fun. Gosh how I love spending time with my Uncle Doug.
Uncle Robert and his boyfriend Claudio gave me my birthday and Christmas gifts early and made be open them because they wanted to "see my face". I got two really weird hats, a puffy, shiny, plastic, black jacket, a Judas Priest t-shirt and a two disk Iron Maiden essentials set. The Iron Maiden isn't so bad. All of the lyrics are pretty self-indulgent and silly. They really take themselves seriously when they are making absurd songs like, "Bring your daughter to the slaughter" and "The Number of the Beast". I crack up everytime I hear them but the guitar riffs are pretty damn cool.
I spent the rest of the day (Thanksgiving) babysitting for my cute little cousin Caroline. She is so sweet. I played trains with her and read her stories, danced with her and we went for a walk down to the turtle pond. She refers to my father as "The Man" instead of Uncle Stephen. It is soooooo cute. When we were playing with the trains, I told her that Henry had kidnapped Thomas the Tank Engine and so she ran over and grabbed Henry in her teeth and shook him around like a little dog and then carefully deposited Thomas in my hand. Then for good measure she growled at my dad. Awww....

Saturday, November 5, 2005

The Evil Bat Lady of Driver's Ed.

"Miss Lewis" is the devil incarnate. She's like a bat. A bat with hearing levels reaching undiscovered wavelengths, unlimited capacity for cruelty and busy work, beady little eyes and she emitts a horrendous screeching sound to disorient her prey.

We had a speaker about organ donation. Prior to this I had completely believed that I wanted to be a donor on the unfortunate event of my untimely demise. After hearing some of the crap she said, I don't know if I want to sign the goddamned card. The way she was talking, it seemed like donors are just spare parts kicking around. Everything about her general manner bugged me. She was talking about how families of donors and recipients meet and how one lady was listening to her son's heart beat inside somebody else. Maybe it's just me, but I find that profoundly disturbing. She was acting as though it ought to be comforting and heartwarming. Eeesh. The stuff of nightmares!

All the people teaching say that they're impartial and they 'want us to make our own choices' but they are completely lying on that count! If they want us to make educated decisions, shouldn't we know more than one side of the story? There were practically 15-20 pages of dense endorsements of organ donation on our mandatory reading assignment. After which we spent an hour and a half listening to a woman talk about her daughter's miracle, completely neglecting another family's tragedy. How does she justify that?! She acted like all the victims of accidents etc. are worthless, but heaven-forbid that a sick person should die. Should we spend money 'educating' impressionable youths about the wonders of organ donation or should we try to make roadways etc safer so there are fewer people whose organ donor cards will be put to use?

If I were to die like that (not of old age) I would want my organs and tissue donated so somebody could live even if I couldn't. If I were to be a recipient, I wouldn't want to get the transplant. The idea of having to live on with the responsibility and knowledge that somebody else is dead and you're not is too much. You'd have to wonder if you deserved a second chance, or that if you don't go on to do incredible things, somebody else should have recieved it; not you. It would cease to feel like it was even your body anymore, your life to live, without obligations to dead people. Guilt factor + Gross factor.

Whatever my personal feelings on the matter, it was propaganda. The way it was presented and taught left no room for interpretation or question. They were submerging, bribing and guilting us into it. They bribed us with candy and extra credit 100 test grade for signing the paper, bombarded us from all sides and showed pictures of happy wonderful people who 'deserved to live'. Oh, well if somebody so lovely wants to live, I guess I'll go out and get in a car crash--don't worry, I'll be careful to prevent any damage to the goods! Gosh, if I don't become an organ donor, then little fluffy bunnies will die!

Also, there was a flat-out lie,"All religions have agreed that it is perfectly fine to be an organ donor". *bing* Wrong answer lady! You lose all your points! My mom had a spaz attack. Apparently, being the devout Jew that I am, I can't be a donor. --Joke. (I'm not religious. My mother's family was though.) Point being: my mom simply won't consent. Oh well. Poor little fluffy bunnies.